Past Events

Strategic Stability    

Hypersonic Weapons, Deterrence and Strategic Stability

07 September 2022

On 7 September 2022, the Azure Forum for Contemporary Security Strategy hosted a lunchtime briefing and discussion on: ‘Hypersonic Weapons, Deterrence and Strategic Stability’ Read more…


‘In these turbulent times is neutrality an option anymore?’

23 July 2022

On 23 July 2022, the Azure Forum for Contemporary Security Strategy and the MacGill Summer School, co-hosted a security panel discussion on: ‘In these turbulent times is neutrality an option anymore?’, as part of The MacGill Summer School 2022. Read more…

EU-NATO Collaboration  

Joint Azure Forum-Belgian Embassy Seminar on “EU-NATO collaboration on hybrid threats, emerging technologies and cyber: What has been achieved so far and what lies ahead?” 

23 June 2022

On 23 June 2022, the Azure Forum for Contemporary Security Strategy and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Ireland co-hosted a high-level seminar on ‘EU-NATO collaboration on hybrid threats, emerging technologies and cyber: What has been achieved so far and what lies ahead?’ Read more…

Nuclear Disarmament 

‘Consequences for nuclear arms control in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine war: Is there a long term risk of renewed nuclear weapons proliferation?’

25 May 2022

On 25 May 2022, expert discussants John Bassett, University of Bristol and Dr. Tytti Erästö, Senior Researcher, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) examined the long term prospects for arms control and nuclear non-proliferation as well as Sweden’s recent NATO membership application. Read more…

World Order

World Order And The Ukraine Crisis: India’s Position And Future Relationship With Russia?

28 April 2022

Expert discussant Professor Harsh V. Pant examined India’s position on the Russian Federation’s invasion of Ukraine. Professor Pant and other roundtable experts also discussed India’s current and likely future relationship with Russia, including its defence partnership. Read more…

International Law

Changing state behaviour: Can international law deter further aggression in Ukraine? 

31 March 2022

This roundtable was hosted in partnership with the Irish Rule of Law International (IRLI) in order to examine the intersection of security and rule of law questions. Expert discussants addressed international law mechanisms that are now at the forefront of efforts to counteract the ongoing aggression against Ukraine. Read more…

Report Launch

Exploring serious and organised crime across Ireland and the UK: Towards a shared understanding of a shared threat

30 March 2022

The Azure Forum for Contemporary Security Strategy, with the support of the British Embassy Dublin, launched a new report: “Exploring Serious and Organised Crime across Ireland and the UK: Towards a Shared Understanding of a Shared Threat” on Wednesday 30 March 2022. At the event, report author, Senior Fellow Dr Alexander Chance, discussed the report’s findings with experts Paul Thornton, Western Europe SOCnet at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and Detective Chief Superintendent Angela Willis, Head of Bureau, Garda National Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Read more…

Ukraine-Russia crisis

The Ukraine-Russia crisis: Regional and global implications?

25 February 2022

Experts were invited to discuss how the security situation in Eastern Europe has developed, noting the complex history between Ukraine and Russia, the conflicts in Crimea and Donbas and recent troop build-ups. Read more…

Hybrid Threats

Joint High Level Azure Forum-Finnish Embassy Roundtable on “Cyber, Hybrid and Intelligence: Lessons from the Finnish Experience”

24 February 2022

The Azure Forum for Contemporary Security Strategy and the Finnish Embassy co-hosted a high-level expert roundtable on cyber, hybrid and intelligence with Finnish Read more…

Strategic Foresight

Global Security Risks in 2021. What to expect in the year ahead?

7 December 2021

Our final roundtable of 2021 invited participants to review the year by identifying major patterns and lessons to inform our thinking for 2022. Opening remarks were given by Rear Admiral Rtd. Dr. Chris Parry. Read more…

Climate Change

Is climate change our greatest global and national security threat? 

28 October 2021

Our October roundtable examined the security impact of environmental degradation and climate change in the lead up to COP26. Threat assessments highlighted potential challenges including resource wars, migration and displacement, food and water insecurity, and worsening public health. Read more…

Cyber Security

Deterring Ransomware attacks as an international security priority 

30 September 2021

Our September roundtable placed emphasis on the need for an internationally coordinated strategy to deter ransomware attacks, especially where continued cyber diplomacy is essential to protect national interests, mitigate risks, and enhance the security of Internet users. Read more…

Strategic autonomy 

Covid-19 and European strategic autonomy: Is the emergency driving an expanded ‘soft security’ concept? 

29 October 2020

This seminar explored policy-relevant questions surrounding ‘strategic autonomy’ that are being debated across Europe, with particular focus on what strategic autonomy means and what it does not mean in a geostrategic/security context. Read more…

The Azure Forum

Cyber Security

Malicious Cyber-enabled state-activity in the healthcare sector: State espionage, cyber attacks and international law responses

30 September 2020

This event brought together experts with different professional backgrounds to examine policy-relevant questions surrounding the nature of malicious cyber-enabled state activity in the healthcare sector. Read more…

Supply Chains

Trade and strategic over-reliance on global supply chains: A new phase in globalisation?

26 August 2020

This event explored the nature of global supply chains in light of dilemmas arising with healthcare equipment and medical supplies during the pandemic. Read more…


Global disinformation campaigns during the Covid-19 crisis

29 July 2020

This seminar discussed global disinformation campaigns during the Covid-19 crisis and their likely impact on national and international peace and security. Read more…


Combating low cost foreign takeovers of vulnerable companies in medical and strategic sectors in the wake of Covid-19

24 June 2020

This seminar examined economic resilience and the risk of low cost foreign takeovers of companies in medical and other strategic sectors (such as critical technologies) that may have become especially vulnerable as a result of Covid-19. Read more…

Research & Development

Ireland’s research & innovation opportunities in the European Defence Fund

March 2020

The Azure Forum-University College Dublin series on Ireland’s research & innovation opportunities in the European Defence Fund. Read more…